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Inside Out takes on CyberFest 2021!
Our founder and director Danielle Phillips had the pleasure of speaking at Dynamo’s CyberFest, the North East’s biggest cyber festival.

Business storytelling: how can I perform my story effectively?
You've built your story, but how can you make sure that it resonates? It's all in your performance and body language. Here are our top tips.

Business storytelling: how to build a story for your digital transformation
Wondering how can you build a story for your digital transformation? In this week's blog we are taking you through the art of storytelling.

The importance of storytelling in digital transformation
Here is why you should be using storytelling in your digital transformation internal comms to maximise employee buy-in and engagement.

Our digital transformation tips: three simple steps to digital transformation success
Here are three digital transformation tips to follow to make sure that you reach success on your digital transformation journey.

Cyber Security from the Inside Out: keeping your organisation safe from phishing and spear phishing
In this week’s Cyber Security from the Inside Out blog we give you the rundown on phishing and spear phishing and some tips on staying safe.
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